The power of selective affirmation: when you say “yes”, what are you saying “no” to?

When you say "yes" to a new project, a social engagement, or a volunteer opportunity, you're simultaneously crafting a silent "no" to an alternative. This could be time for reflection, leisure, or other projects that might align more closely with your core values or long-term objectives.

The essence of this trade-off isn't just about managing your calendar; it's a profound exercise in defining your personal and professional ethos.

Each "yes" would ideally be a mirror reflecting your values, aspirations, and the legacy you aim to build.

It's about more than just filling slots in a schedule; it's about choosing a life that resonates with purpose and meaning.

This isn't to say that every decision carries the weight of destiny, but rather that a mindful approach to commitments can lead to a more fulfilling life.

To navigate this path, start by asking yourself what truly matters to you. What ignites your passion? What contribution do you want to make? What’s good for your soul, or bad for it? Let these questions guide your choices. When faced with opportunities, consider not just the immediate benefits but the broader impact on your time, energy, and values.

Embracing this mindset requires courage and discernment. It often means declining opportunities that are good but not great - for you. But, it is through this practice of selective affirmation that you carve out space for what truly enriches your life.

So, the next time you're about to say "yes," pause and consider: What are you implicitly saying "no" to?

This reflection isn't a constraint but a liberation, allowing you to align more closely with your most authentic self and the life you aspire to lead.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


PS: If you’d like me to help as you build your “selective yes” ability, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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