Senior executive leadership: 3 traps, and how to avoid them

Having worked with many talented senior leaders as they approach their first executive leadership role, I’ve noticed three clear themes in the challenges they face: battling imposter syndrome, shedding the reliance on subject matter expertise, and fending off burnout.

Here are the red flags and a practical action step for each of these…

1. Imposter Syndrome

Red Flags: Lingering self-doubt, haunting fear of exposure, attributing accomplishments solely to luck.

Practical Step: Keep a 'Confidence Log' – Note down instances where your contribution made a positive difference, large or small. Regularly reviewing this log reinforces your value and counters the imposter syndrome's nagging doubts.

I also love Jennifer Coolidge’s strategy:

“One of the best things to cure self-doubt ... go to [see] really bad stuff. Plays that are really bad? Go to them. Shows that are bad? Watch them.”

Remember that people far less skilled and capable than you are getting ahead. Jump in there!

2. Throwing Off the Subject Matter Shackles

Red Flags: Hesitancy to contribute without expert knowledge, feeling overshadowed by more specialised colleagues (see also point 1!).

Practical Step: Your subject matter expertise got you here. Now your expertise is in thinking differently, informed by your experience. Instead of withholding input, voice your thoughts and concerns backed by your understanding. This bridges the gap between subject expertise and strategic insight, often yielding valuable perspectives.

3. Battling Burnout

Red Flags: Unrelenting fatigue, dwindling passion, neglecting self-care.

Practical Step: Lock in 'Strategic Rest Pauses' – Just as you allocate time for work, schedule time for proper relaxation. These pauses boost resilience and are an investment in your productivity (not to mention health and happiness).

These traps for senior players can be bypassed. By recognising the red flags and taking steps to address them, you can not only ascend the ladder but also lead with self-assurance and authenticity.


Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like me to work with you as you step into your first executive leadership role, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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