Leadership: 10 ways you’re making it worse

You mean well, right?

Leadership is an art that requires balance, insight and the ability to inspire and motivate. However, even the most well-intentioned leaders can sometimes inadvertently make situations worse. Here are ten common leadership mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Micromanaging

Micromanaging not only stifles creativity and initiative but also lowers morale. Learn to trust your team and delegate tasks effectively. Empower your employees to make decisions and own their responsibilities.

2. Avoiding Feedback

Feedback is essential for growth. Avoiding giving or receiving feedback blocks improvement. Cultivate an open environment where both positive and constructive feedback is exchanged regularly.

3. Poor Communication

Miscommunication leads to confusion and inefficiency. Be clear, concise, and consistent in your communications. Ensure everyone is on the same page.

4. Lack of Vision

Without a clear vision, teams lack direction. As the leader, take the time to clarify and articulate a compelling vision that lines up with your team's goals and inspires action.

5. Ignoring Team Dynamics

Every team member is unique. Ignoring the dynamics and relationships within your team can lead to conflict. Pay attention to how your team works together and intervene when necessary.

6. Being Too Rigid

Flexibility is key in leadership. Being too rigid or resistant to change can hold your team back. Stay open to new ideas and be willing to adapt and re-angle when circumstances change.

7. Not Leading by Example

Actions speak louder than words. If you expect certain behaviours from your team, make sure you’re modelling those behaviours yourself. Lead by example in all aspects.

8. Neglecting Team Members’ Development

Investing in your team's growth is crucial. Neglecting their development will inevitably lead to stagnation, resentment and turnover. Provide opportunities for learning and career advancement.

9. Inconsistency

Inconsistency in your decision-making or treatment of team members breeds uncertainty and distrust. Strive for fairness and consistency in your leadership approach.

10. Ignoring Work-Life Balance

Overlooking the importance of a healthy work-life balance leads to burnout and reduced productivity. Encourage your team to maintain a healthy balance and set the example yourself.

Any you’d add?

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like a sounding board as you lead your team and organisation, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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