Guiding the Wise: Leading a Team with More Candles on Their Birthday Cakes

You've just landed a leadership role (congratulations!) and your team is seasoned, skilled, and, let's just say it, has been around the solar system a few more times than you. They've got experience tucked in their belts while you’re still trying to figure out where the coffee machine is.

No worries - here's your survival guide to leading a team who might just ask where you were when the internet was invented.

First, acknowledge the elephant in the room - yes, they've got more years in the game. And that's fantastic! Use phrases like, "You have a wealth of experience I believe we can all learn from," rather than, "Wow, you’ve worked here since faxes were a thing?”

Embrace their expertise. They’re walking treasure troves of perspective and knowledge. Ask questions, seek advice, and listen. Yes, really listen. That’s not just nodding while planning your dinner. It means engaging with their stories and feedback. There will be truckloads of gold there if you’re open to it.

In a healthy system, everyone and everything has its place. Your more experienced colleagues have their place in the hierarchies of tenure and runs on the board. You, in turn, occupy the place of team leader.

Respect is a two-way street. Just because they’ve clocked more hours doesn’t mean your ideas are less worthy. No need to pull the boss card but do blend their wisdom with your fresh perspectives. It’s like adding a twist to a classic recipe - respect the original, but don’t be afraid to spice things up!

Lastly, keep that humility handy. You don’t know it all – because no-one does. So don’t pretend. Your job is to ensure the work gets done, not to know and do everything. Lucky you, you have a team with experience and expertise to work with!

You can be a confident, reassuring leader by being open and receptive – and decisive when that’s what is needed. By motivating and inspiring your team to come with you, you can lead without needing too many carrots and sticks. Show that you’re learning too. A little humour, especially at your own expense, can be a great leveller.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like to work with me as you flex your ways of working, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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