How to escape quicksand

I looked up an article from an outdoorsy company on how to escape quicksand.

Here’s what they said, and how you can apply it when you’re sinking at work

1.    Make yourself as light as possible – toss your bag, jacket and shoes

What can you let go of? An extra project, a deadline that can be loosened, the weight of expectations (yours/others)? Finding a way to lighten the load – even slightly, even temporarily – will help you stop sinking and look for a way out.

2.    Try to take a few steps backwards – before you sink too deep, take a few quick steps backward to where the ground was solid

When did you last feel strong, in control, well resourced? What was helping or supporting you then? What was working? What can you draw from that in order to help you now?

3.    Head above water: Keep your arms up and out of the quicksand

Keep your focus upwards, not downwards. Where the focus goes, the energy flows, as they say. Diving down to look for solutions (who to blame) in the muck will only make it harder to take a clear perspective. Instead, aim high so you can see the resources and options around you.

4.    Try to reach for a branch or person’s hand to pull yourself out

Help helps. Make use of the people, services and resources that are available to you. There’s no medal for doing it all, all by yourself, all the time.

5.    Take deep breaths

Yes - take deep breaths. This triggers your parasympathetic, calming response and will help set your brain up to think clearly, broadly and creatively.

6.    Move slowly and deliberately – inch by inch, move your legs one at a time upward toward the surface of the quicksand

Aim for small, achievable successes that aren’t going to create their own roiling ecosystems of disruption.

Slow and steady wins this race.

How does this resonate for you? Let me know. And if you’d like to find out more about my Out of the Quicksand program to help you reduce the struggle factor at work, please get in touch.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


PS My “reverse job ad” has been popular with people who are figuring out what they want from a role or career change. It will help you clarity your must-haves, desirables, tolerables and deal breakers. If you haven’t already, you can access a copy here.

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

1. Want to find out more? Send me a note and let me know.

2. Click here to read more about my Out of the Quicksand Coaching Program, which helps you reduce the struggle factor and regain traction at work.

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📷 Anneka/Science ABC

Madeleine Shaw