Phoning it in over the break

Often in this industry, someone will develop a framework that really helps people unpack their issues, get a new perspective, and make changes in their lives. I’m all for that. These can be extremely useful tools to have in the kit.

The more tools in the kit, the better.

Sometimes, then, the framework takes on a life of its own and people begin to follow the frame rather than the other way round – losing sight of the fact that it is just a tool that is being used to access a sliver of something much bigger – human experience.

While we all have methods and styles that we resonate with more than others, cleaving to any one method or frame can mean we end up missing out on a lot of possibilities and nuance that can help ourselves and our clients.

I could notice something on my desk – let’s say, my stapler.


Now I’m a STAPLER coach: standards, testing, adaptability, prioritisation, listening, empathy and reasons. It can get a little bit silly if I then start all my new coaching conversations with STAPLER and reverse-engineer the sessions to fit.

But, as I said, that’s not to say the frameworks aren’t useful. Here’s another one I just made up, which I am going to use as my guide over the coming summer break. Feel free to pick out what is useful for you!

Presence – during the summer break, I will still need to check my emails and do some work. I’m pledging with myself to be really clear on the boundaries of when I am doing that. That way, when I’m with family and friends, I won’t have half an eye/brain on my work.

Hospitality – I love my downtime and solo time, but the summer break is also a fantastic opportunity to deepen connections with others. Hospitality to me in this sense means welcoming people into our home (Covid-safely, naturally) as well as being hospitable in a more conceptual sense – welcoming and open to the other humans in my life.

One-on-one time – I’m going to prioritise spending real, quality time with the people I love and appreciate.

No-frills – I’m intending to keep it simple and focus on what matters, rather than being caught up in the race to tick all the “should” boxes

Expansion – I love to learn and expand my thinking. I experience a curious mix of challenge, excitement, satisfaction and peace when I am learning something new, whether about myself or the world out there. I want to bring this sense of expansiveness into 2021.

Yes, I’ll be phoning it in. I’m looking forward to a couple of weeks off after this week – my next update will be on 8 January. Best wishes to you for a safe holiday season and here’s to 2021.

Until then,

Take care of yourself and others

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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Madeleine Shaw