Don’t compare your backstage to other people’s front-of-house

Being in a leadership position often feels like standing centre stage.

The lights are on, the audience is watching, and there's an expectation to deliver. In these moments, it's easy to gaze across and compare our own behind-the-scenes chaos with the polished performances of our peers.

But here's a truth I've learned the hard way: comparing my backstage mess – the doubts, the mistakes, the rehearsals – with the flawless front-of-house displays of others is a dangerous game. It distorts perspective and chips away at self-confidence.

Everyone, everyone, no matter how composed they seem under the spotlight, has their backstage moments.

Those times when decisions weigh heavy, strategies falter, or personal challenges seep into professional roles. What the audience – be it a boardroom, a team, or a market – sees is the culmination of countless hours of effort, not the journey with its ups and downs.

I've had a gazillion days when the weight of what I had to do felt overwhelming, and I've wondered how others make it seem so effortless. But with time, I’ve recognised the value in embracing my backstage, with all its imperfections. It's where growth happens, where lessons are learned, and where resilience is built.

So to every leader out there: Own your backstage. Celebrate the effort, the struggle, and the journey. And always remember that every spotlight moment is backed by unseen challenges and growth. Our strength lies not in the perfection of our performance but in the authenticity of our journey.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like me to work with you as you build confidence at work, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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