Yoda’s tips for mindfulness without the minutes

When you’re craaaazy busy, it’s easy to think you’ll get back to looking after your wellbeing when the busyness subsides. In fact, those super hectic times are exactly when you need to lean in hard to looking after yourself.

It’s not that simple, though. The more frantic you are, the more difficult it is to find a moment to think clearly.

You tell yourself: “I’ll try to make time”.

Yet, as the wise, admittedly fictional, Yoda once said:

So, in the style of Yoda and with absolutely no apologies for the nerdiness, here are three ideas to find calm in the busyness of your day, that take literally no extra time. All you need to change is your mindset…

1. Breathe you must

Notice those moments when you’re “stuck” waiting (on hold, in a line, in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil). Close your eyes if you can, take smooth, deep breaths in and out.

Mindful you become, present in the moment you will be.

2. With nature connect, hmm

As you step outside, notice and feel the world around you. Sun, breeze, trees, even blades of grass between the cracks in the concrete. A part of nature, you are. Calm, it will bring.

3. Technology's grip, release it you must

Ping ping ping. Amidst the constant stream of notifications and screens that surround us, the path to peace begins with a simple act – unplugging. Spend some of each day this way – when you eat your lunch, or have that first cup of tea. Turn off the devices, silence the notifications, and embrace the stillness. Mmm.

Simple, mindful actions, it takes.

Serene, you will be, yes.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like me to work with you as you create calm within the chaos, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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