Why you don’t need to sacrifice your life for the promotion

I've had countless clients who hesitate before going for that promotion. Why? Because they fear it'll swallow up and obliterate what little spare time they have left.

I don’t blame them. This idea is so pernicious and pervasive, we breathe it in and internalise it. But really, it’s bollocks.

So why do we believe this idea that moving up the ranks at work is only possible if you sacrifice your health and life outside work?

Our society has conditioned us to believe that success is inversely proportional to the number of hours we relax and rejuvenate, which is not only harmful, but scientifically backwards.

In fact, we are more successful when we are healthy and vital across all areas of our lives. We may understand that in theory, but we often fear that if we try to live it, we will fall by the wayside.

We see the valorisation of “heroic” execs who devote their lives to their organisations and we take on board the message that success means deep personal sacrifice. It's time to challenge this deeply ingrained belief.

Being in charge of your own hours, energy, activities and life makes you more likely to be successful, and yet many of us struggle with setting clear boundaries between work and personal life.

Given the cultural messages we receive, that’s not a personal failing. We feel compelled to be always available and constantly connected.

It's time to go counter-cultural on this, and establish healthy boundaries that allow us to prioritise our well-being AND our career aspirations.

If each promotion means less time for anything but work, where does it end? CEO’s working literally 24/7/365? Clearly that isn’t the case.

As people move up the ranks, they actually succeed by prioritising their work, focusing their energy where they can have the most impact, and working with teams of people who together create more than the sum of their parts.

Here's the truth: more responsibilities don't automatically equate to more time. It's time to dismantle this myth once and for all.

If the mill (or your world’s equivalent) is literally on fire, by all means have someone call you on your vacation so you can deal with it. But if you’re a senior leader working on BAU through your evenings, weekends and holidays, it just means you haven’t been able / didn’t want to delegate and organise yourself so that you could actually switch off, be present for your family and friends, and recharge.

I understand where this idea that it’s necessary comes from, but it needs to change.

Are you ready?

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like me to work with you as you explore and let go of some beliefs about work that are keeping you unhappy, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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