Look after your life outside work

Focusing on your life outside work doesn’t mean trading off work performance. Quite the opposite. And “work/life balance” doesn’t mean getting it in 50/50 proportions. It’s all about having enough of the right things in your life that make you feel happy and fulfilled, and give you the juice to do the things you want to do in all areas – work, and the rest of it.

While your professional responsibilities may demand much of your time and energy, neglecting other aspects of your life can actually have adverse effects on how you do at work.

Dedicating time to nurture your personal life and pursue your passions can provide you with a fresh perspective on your professional challenges. Having activities in your life that bring you joy and fulfilment make you happier and healthier, and can enhance problem-solving skills and foster creativity back at work.

Prioritising your well-being is also crucial for sustained success. Neglecting your personal life can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. By investing in your mental and physical health, you not only improve your own well-being but also set a positive example for your teams. Incorporate practical well-being practices into your routine, such as regular exercise, mindfulness exercises, or quality time with loved ones.

Man walking a dog

As a bonus, cultivating a diverse network beyond your professional circle can broaden your perspective and bring fresh ideas to the table. Seek opportunities to engage with individuals from different backgrounds and industries. Attending industry events or joining organisations outside your field of expertise can lead to valuable connections and new possibilities that can positively impact your leadership capabilities.

By getting out there, you also enhance your ability to understand and empathise with others from a wider range of backgrounds. This heightened emotional intelligence translates into improved communication skills and better conflict resolution at work. I know being lucky enough to have lived in many cities and countries around the world, as well as getting outside my city bubble and moving to a regional area has been a massive positive for me in that regard.

A healthy work-life balance is not a nice to have. It is vital. Remember, success is not solely defined by professional achievements but also by leading a fulfilling and balanced life, and each supports the other.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like to work with me to find more balance in your life, let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit

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