Time to get out?

Lately I’ve had a few conversations with clients and friends who are deliberating over whether to leave a job in which they are unhappy.

It helps to get as honest and clear as possible on what is making you unhappy.

It’s you

Sometimes it’s your own unrealistic expectations about how a job, colleague, boss or organisation “should” be. In those cases, reflect on whether you are willing to do the work on shifting your own expectations. If you can move out of blame-shifting and into taking accountability for making things better for you, then do that. Happy, happy.

Equally, the role/workplace might be fine, but just not right for you. Understanding that and setting about finding and following a path that will work for you is great. And you can leave your current role in good time, and on good terms … always wise.

It’s them

Sometimes there are real problems in the workplace that (a) can, and (b) will be fixed if you initiate the process. For example, your boss might be new to managing people, and unintentionally creating some difficulties through a lack of skill. If they are willing to address that and improve their skills, fantastic! Not only will you be happier when things have improved, chances are those improvements will benefit everyone.

It’s them, and how!

Sometimes, though, it’s neither you nor a fixable problem.

If you have a fundamental values clash with your organisation, or your boss is and has always been a bully, get out of the role/company as soon as you possibly can. I know good people want to try to make things better – I’m talking about situations where that effort will not be worth it. If it’s not your problem to fix, and sticking around will just leave you more and more depleted while nothing changes, prioritise your own career and wellbeing and move on. I’ve seen so many people wait far too long to make this shift (including me). If you stick around trying to fix things, or waiting for them to see the light and change… well, it might happen. Let me know how that works for you.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


PS In this article I share a more detailed framework for deciding whether to stay or go from a role.

PPS. Want to work with me as you decide whether to stay or go? Let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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