Season's Greetings

By the magic of scheduling, I’m writing this a few days before you’ll be reading it on Christmas Eve.

To me, looking back on 2021, it feels both oddly long and also like it barely happened. There’s been some amazing highs, and terrible losses. Over this past year, I’ve had the privilege to work with some extraordinary people and I can’t wait to do more of the same next year.

All of us here on earth are connected in that we all experience those highs and losses, loves, successes, lows, fears, excitement, shame, joy, pride, worry and calm contentment. The whole messy, beautiful gamut.

My wish for you, is that you and those dear to you, can experience more of the highs and fewer of the lows in 2022.

Season’s greetings.

Until next year,

Take care of yourself and others


Madeleine Shaw