How to escape from meetings overload

So many of my clients – soooo many – are drowning in meeting overload. This article in the latest Harvard Business Review confirms what you already know to be true: a huge number of your meetings are soul-crushing, time-wasting, energy sinks and could be deleted without adverse consequence.

One strategy I have recommended to clients for many years now is a regular, rigourous “meetings audit”. Review then shorten, cull or delegate any meetings to which your presence does not add value, and/or which are not of value to you.

This is a bit like what the “Light Doomsday” group described in the article did – evaluating each meeting carefully, and only going if it makes the cut. “Full Doomsday” purged all meetings for 48 hours then added back only the ones they missed.

This is useful, especially when done regularly, but has its limits when you are swimming solo against the relentless tide of a meeting-addicted company culture.

As described in the article, if you can create a movement within your organisation, everyone stands to gain.

There are loads more tips and information in the article – I highly recommend you take a break and read it!

Until next week,
Take care of yourself and others


PS. Want to work with me as you get time and space back into your schedule? Let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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