5 Questions to ask yourself before that big meeting

Preparing for a crucial meeting? Elevate your insight by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What emotions or biases might influence my decision-making during the meeting? Acknowledging your emotional state can lead to more objective discussions.

  2. How can I actively engage all meeting participants, ensuring diverse perspectives are heard? Foster inclusivity for richer insights.

  3. What's the underlying story I want my data and arguments to convey? Craft a compelling narrative for impact.

  4. What's the worst-case scenario, and how can I handle it gracefully? Preparing for setbacks can boost your resilience.

  5. What's one innovative idea or approach I can introduce during the meeting to inspire creativity? Push the boundaries for fresh thinking.

By contemplating these questions, you'll approach your big meeting with a deeper level of preparedness, creativity, and emotional intelligence, increasing your chances of success.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like to have me in your corner as you navigate challenges at work, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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