Why Your Soul's Voice is Powerful

Today I wanted to make this post to talk with you about why connecting with your soul's voice is powerful.

I hear a lot of people shy away from this work because they worry that connecting to your soul's voice sounds:

  • A bit wishy-washy

  • A little bit of a "space cadet" thing

  • Like it will make them all soft and a pushover

Actually, the absolute opposite is true.

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By soul’s voice, I mean that deep inner sense of who you are and what you really stand for.

When people connect in with their soul's voice, they become extremely powerful. And when you operate from that place, you have a much higher level of discernment.

So what do I mean by that? Well, humans are wired to prioritise avoiding a near future threat before working towards gaining something that's further away in the future. And there's circumstances in which that makes a lot of sense, of course. You're out looking for food, you've seen a grove over in the distance with lots of fruit and then an animal attacks. Well, you need to deal with that animal attack before you go on to collect the fruit.

This is this wiring that we have in us. But we begin to overplay it, and that's where the problems arise.

In day-to-day modern life, we're faced with a tsunami of incomings.

“Can you do”s

“Would you mind”s

“Could you just”s

“When you have a minute"s

“This is important"s

“Make sure you”s

“Don't forget to”s.

All the things what we feel like we should and have to do. They seem really critical in the moment.

We feel like if we say no to any of them, we might be saying no to something that's really important and that that will cause huge problems for us.

That fear is a near future threat that we avoid. We avoid it by saying yes to everything.

And the consequence to that, of course, is that we become completely overloaded and burnt out.

Conversely, when someone is connected to their soul's voice, they know what's really important to them.

They're able to discern amongst that tsunami of incomings what is a genuine yes that they want to commit to and do, and what just seems like one.

And if it just seems like a yes, but it's actually a no, they become very, very able to say a calm, compassionate and guilt-free “no”.

Saying “no” then opens up a whole lot of bandwidth to go for the things that are actually really important to you. So, it's actually a very, very powerful position.

Next time you're faced with that overwhelming tsunami of incomings, you might want to notice how able you are to distinguish between the ones that are actually aligned with your deeper sense of who you are and what you stand for, and how many are just white noise. And when that becomes clear to you, things really start to change and they change on your terms.

Click here to book into my calendar and let’s talk about how I can help you connect with your soul’s voice.

Madeleine Shaw