A framework for meeting significant change

In “ordinary” times, we – individuals, teams and organisations - operate with flow when we can find the part of ourselves that authentically meets the requirements of our role and environment. As these change, we naturally adapt to present a new part of our “self” that meets the new need.

It takes some effort but is achievable.

In times of significant change, there is no longer an overlap between self and what is required, creating dissonance. Uncomfortable, unpleasant … and uncertain, activating our fear responses and unhelpfully reducing our higher level functioning and the effectiveness of our responses.


People and organisations tend to respond in one of two ways:

  • Batten down the hatches and operate only as I used to - within my “self”. This feels simple, authentic and sustainable. But it does not meet the new situation. Think Kodak.

  • Flip completely outside “self” to meet the new needs. This takes energy and is tiring. It creates a feeling of dissonance and discomfort and is not sustainable. Think any number of failed corporate “pivots”.

Instead, you need to do a bit of both. I wrote last week about a 3-step approach (1. Look after wellbeing, 2. stay the same by returning to core values and purpose and 3. change, by experimenting and iterating new ways of operating) to approaching significant change and uncertainty.

Following these steps helps create the conditions for expanding what is authentic and sustainable for you, your team and your organisation. In other words, your “self” circle can grow to meet the new situation.

Maybe that’s what our “new normal” is: getting used to the dissonance as uncertainty continues, and becoming so skilled at balancing the “batten down the hatches/pivot pivot pivot” urges that growth into the new starts to feel… like it’s just what we do.

Take care of yourself and others,


I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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Madeleine Shaw