Retiring in the next 50 years? I'd love to hear from you.

Whether you’ve already retired, or the very concept is so far off in the distant future that you’re surprised even to find yourself reading this, I’d love you to take five minutes and share your thoughts with me via this survey.

Many people retire with a financial plan, a vague idea about a holiday, and not much else. In the lead-up to retirement, the “big day” can loom large and make it hard to keep things in perspective. In my Encore program, I take people through a process that helps them get back in the driver’s seat about what they can do up to, through and beyond retirement.

I’m interested in understanding how people from different lines of work, and of different ages and genders, are feeling about their retirement. Hence, the survey.

It’s short (should take you less than five minutes) and your input would really help me out – thank you! Also, please share with anyone else you think might be keen to participate.

And if you’d like to work together on this in a more structured way, let me know.

Take care of yourself and others,

PS You can find the survey here.

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them:

  • Make clearer decisions about what they want, and

  • Adapt faster and more easily to change and transition.

I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

Interested in more?

1. Follow me on LinkedIn to stay connected
2. Click here to read more about my Encore: Transition to Retirement Program, to assist with transition to and beyond retirement.
3. Join my list to receive regular articles and insights, early news about programs and offers, and respect for your inbox.
4. Want to find out more? Send me a note and let me know.
5. Prefer to talk? Choose a time and it will drop right into my schedule.

Madeleine Shaw