Make decisions more easily by reconnecting to your inner compass

“I now focus on my own purpose and what I may be able to achieve in a role, and have clarity about opportunities in the context of the entire ‘ecosystem’ of my life (including supports, children and other interests).”

This was some of the feedback from a recent client, who had been struggling with questions around whether she truly wanted to make a particular career step.

I loved her comment because it summed up an issue I see again and again with people (including myself).

When we are strongly connected to our own core purpose on a deep level, decision making is easy. When the question “what is the right thing to do here?” comes up, we find that a natural sense of clarity emerges. Our inner compass guides us through even very delicate or challenging situations.

Conversely, when we have taken on someone else’s purpose as our own (consciously or otherwise), we can find ourselves feeling lost. A common example is the drive to sacrifice much in life (friendships, family time – even health) in order to make one’s way up the corporate ranks. Great – if getting to the top is a true driver for you. But often this drive for “progress” has actually come from outside (culture, family, friends) and, once people get there, it can ring very, very hollow.


The beautiful paradox is, once we let go of external drivers and reconnect to our true, inner purpose, the thriving and success really happens. The client I quoted above is currently revelling in a swell of fun, interesting, productive work that gels beautifully with all the true priorities in her life.  

What priorities are you chasing that aren’t really your own?

Madeleine Shaw

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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Madeleine Shaw