Helpful and unhelpful thinking

Last week I wrote about ways to find more time for strategic thinking. But even when you’re not specifically out to think strategically, you’re thinking…

So how much of that thinking is productive?

Helpful or constructive thinking helps motivate us, reach our goals, and create the life we desire. On the other hand, much of the thinking we do is actually unhelpful - harmful to our happiness, contentment, and success.

What types of thoughts do you find yourself spending the most time on?

Consider how unhelpful these types of thinking are:

  1. Thinking about the past in a way that creates nothing but regret. This is a common type of negative thinking that has no positive benefits. Ruminating on that time you embarrassed yourself in high school or had a huge argument with your partner only serves to lower your mood and put you into an unresourceful state. We all do it sometimes but it’s not helpful.

    • The solution is simple. Catch yourself as soon as possible when you’re thinking about the past in an unhelpful way and redirect your attention to something more useful.

    • If you find your mind is often replaying painful events from the past, consider seeking out some qualified mental health support – help really helps.

  2. Thinking about the future in a way that creates worry. Again, something we all do. We can tend to look at the future and imagine the worst. We might only look ahead 10 seconds and imagine being rejected by the person we’re approaching. Or we might look ahead further and imagine our yet non-existent project failing.

    • The solution: Notice that you’re time-travelling imaginatively but unproductively and bring your mind back to the present.

    • Again, if lots of worry about the future is an issue for you, talk with your GP or a qualified mental health professional. There is help available.

  3. Daydreaming when you need to focus. It’s both fun and very healthy to daydream. But finding yourself daydreaming when you need to focus is unhelpful.

    • Why are you daydreaming? Are you bored? Tired? Stressed? Procrastinating?

    • Take a break, preferably in the fresh air, and come back to the task at hand.

  4. Focusing on problems rather than solutions. Focusing only on what’s wrong creates stress and fails to address the issue in a useful way. Focusing on solutions acknowledges the problem but puts you in a much more resourceful state and provides a chance for success.

    • Notice when you’re focusing on problems and start thinking about possible solutions for them.

    • Brainstorm 3 bullet point ideas for solutions. Even if they’re not the “right” answer, the process will help redirect your thinking towards something more constructive.

These types of helpful thinking create tremendous value in our lives:

  1. Looking for potential obstacles and threats. Looking into the future isn’t always a negative. Looking forward can be useful if you’re identifying and preparing for roadblocks and threats. Then, the trick is to use your brain to find solutions, rather than just worry. Which leads me to…

  2. Planning for the future. It’s nearly impossible to be successful by relying on luck and chance. Making plans to craft your future is a great way of using your mental energy.

  3. Learning from the past. Looking at the past is, of course, also productive. If it’s done with the intention of learning, looking at each success and failure can be useful for the future.

  4. Daydreaming. Yes – having some time in your day and week to give your brain a break from focused attention and allow it to run free is essential. “A-ha” moments happen when our brain is in a relaxed, daydreaming state (see Four Steps to Having More A-Ha Moments from researchers in this field).
    Make sure you have downtime when you can take the mental blinkers off and let your mind roam free.

  5. Thinking about what you’re doing right now. Try spending most of your day with your attention focused on whatever you’re doing in that moment. You’ll get more done and increase the quality of your work if you pay attention to what you’re doing.

Your brain likes to think. That’s what it was designed to do. It will provide a never-ending supply of thoughts even if you don’t want them.

Directing your brain to focus on whatever you choose requires a lot of practice, but you’ll get better and better at it the more you practice. A regular meditation or mindfulness practice will help, too.

You’ll love the benefits you’ll receive when you are able to spend more time on helpful thinking and less time on unhelpful thinking. Try it – and let me know what - and how - you think!

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


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Madeleine Shaw