On clarity

This week I’ve been thinking about clarity. It has come up as a theme with several clients lately; unsurprisingly, given the amount of uncertainty swirling around us at the moment.

People are feeling stuck, unable to make important decisions in their personal and work lives because it’s so hard to see what is coming next. I’ve also been feeling it. I wish I could step outside, do some sort of dramatic gesture and magically divine all the information I need.

The reality is we can never see what’s coming next. We just think we can – and it’s comforting. We are creatures of habit, and when our routines work on autopilot we mistake that for predictability. The current COVID-19 situation has dramatically disrupted our habits and routines. Coming out of autopilot and having to navigate directly in highly uncertain territory takes a lot more energy and feels much harder. It’s tiring.

How can we find some sense of calm in this storm, so we can have enough clarity to make the decisions we need to make now, and comfortably defer the others until a better time?

Here’s three ideas that might help a little.

1. Take care of your physical wellbeing
When you are tired and stressed, it is literally harder to take in information, to assess it, and to do anything with it – thus compounding the tiredness and stress! Prioritise healthy food, exercise, and getting the rest you need – which will likely be more than usual.

2. Be kind – to yourself and others
We are all making this up as we go. Realise that other people will make mistakes, and so will you. Assume best intentions, allow for human fallibility. Be kind.

3. Come back to your true north.
What are your driving values? What kind of person do you want to be? Write it down. Now, more than ever, is the time to be that person. When faced with a question or a decision, ask yourself “What would the kind of person I want to be do?”. This can bring surprising clarity.


Last week I asked for your tips and ideas on practices that are helping you at the moment. It has been such a pleasure and delight to read your responses, thank you. I will share the results with you next week.

If you haven’t shared your thoughts and would still like to, please do.

Until then, take care of yourself and others.
Madeleine Shaw

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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Madeleine Shaw