Tapping into the power of retired alumni: how you and your firm can stay best friends

I am an alumnus of two large law firms; one in Australia and one in the USA. Since leaving both firms, I have stayed in touch with many of my former colleagues and now, (many!) years down the track, some remain close personal friends. Others are excellent and interesting professional contacts - both exchanges of expertise and insight, and mutual referrals of work and connections feature – and it is also a good feeling to be part of a community, with a shared and intersecting history.

These informal networks have been enhanced and broadened through the valuable work of each firm’s alumni program. Most large firms – and many not-so-large – have well established alumni programs where former lawyers, both working and retired, can stay in touch.

I recently came across this article by Ida Abbott on Attorney at Work (October 24, 2018) (https://www.attorneyatwork.com/retired-partners-valuable-law-firm-resources). In it, she points out that while retired partners are naturally included in firms’ alumni programs, the programs’ focus can in some cases be mostly on their non-retired members – based on the incorrect assumption that retired partners are no longer active in the business or legal world (note I’m not referring to my previous firms here!).


While some retiring partners are keen to stop work completely, most are looking only for something of a sabbatical. They then return refreshed and ready to leap into engaging with a lengthy, varied and fulfilling portfolio or encore career. In my experience working with partners looking at retirement, the “stop work completely” crew represent a vanishingly small minority.

Abbott points out that firms can benefit from better engaging these partners in their alumni programs because:

• They strengthen the firm’s brand
• They remain referral sources
• They are sources of talent referrals
• They have wisdom to share

For retired (or soon-to-be) partners themselves, this is also an opportunity. Working with their firm to strengthen connections and activity across the alumni network can provide a deep and rewarding ongoing relationship with the firm and their colleagues. It offers an opportunity to share wisdom and skills, to have a positive impact, and to enliven and be enlivened by the constantly evolving world in which we all live.

Madeleine Shaw

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them:

  • Make clearer decisions about what they want, and

  • Adapt faster and more easily to change and transition.

I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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Madeleine Shaw